Art & Decor Trends
Hotel Art in True Form: Now That’s Classy!
The tradition of purchasing print reproductions of masterpiece oil paintings for wall decor is one that OverstockArt is out to break. For decades, prints of famous Monet, Van Gogh and Picasso paintings have decked the walls of hotels nationwide as well as the homes of art lovers who lacked the disposable income necessary to afford the prohibitive price of original artwork. Accordingly, the company hopes to dispel myths that all gallery quality oil painting reproductions are exorbitantly priced.
“The intricacies and pure essence of an oil painting created by a master cannot be captured on a flat print,” said Stacy Sasson, co-founder of OverstockArt, when questioned about her passion for the product her company offers. Chiming in with reflections on hotel room decor crimes, Henry Sicard, the owner of a prime apartment building from Chicago and a loyal customer of OverstockArt recalls his experiences with prints of masterpiece oil paintings. “They lacked the original depth, texture and that warm glow of an oil painting!” According to Mrs. Sasson, the company was founded with the primary goal of providing art lovers with artwork reproductions in their original medium: Oil on Canvas and with a dedicated customer base (some of who have returned more than five times) art lovers apparently cannot get enough of OverstockArt.
Today, OverstockArt is gearing products and activities to accommodate a not-so-unexpected new group of customers. With the ongoing boom in the hotel/tourism industry, Mrs. Sasson expects more hotels to ditch prints for oil paintings. Her philosophy, “Hotels stand to gain from replacing print reproductions with oil on canvas. Aesthetically and educationally speaking, prints just don’t cut it any longer.”
Check out OverstockArt online at or call their toll free number, 1-866-686-1888 for more information.