Worldwide Shipping Yes we do ship worldwide. FedEx Ground for Canada Shoppers:
Easy Returns Policy If for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return your oil paintings within a period of 45 days from the original purchase date -- all we ask is that you send the painting and frame back to us in the original box. Shipping a Return is FREE for customers receiving an exchange or store credit. There are no return shipping charges for orders originally shipped to a destination within the contiguous United States that are to receive an exchange or store credit. Please note return shipments must also be shipped from the United States. Customers must retain their original packaging for all returns. Please note: Any changes to an item by the customer such as self stretching, self gallery wrapping or self fixing voids the return policy.** *Disclaimer Masterpieces Unveiled! Up to 70% Off Framed Hand Painted Oil Paintings Offer applies to products in the Doorbusters gallery only and cannot be combined with any other discount. No coupon code necessary. AW60 Promotion: Celebrating Art Week! Save 60% Off any artwork, including paintings, prints, tiles, and ornaments. Cannot be combined with any other offer or applied toward the purchase of gift certificates, mirrors, mini framed art, custom art and custom size. Does not apply to frames or framing services. 60% will only be deducted for the price of the art on pre-framed items. **If a painting is returned damaged and not in its original packaging (with protective corners and box) a fee will be issued against the credit due for the returned item. Not to exceed the full purchase price and no less than 1/2 the value of the item if item arrives in unsellable condition. |
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Stunning Oil Painting Reproductions
While it's easy to find prints of famous oil paintings, artists like Botticelli, Pissarro and Sisley produced works of art that are best viewed in their original format. That's why we offer painting reproductions on artist-grade canvas. Our team of skill artists recreate each painting by hand, producing an authentic copy of the painting that looks almost identical to the original. You'll be able to see each brush stroke and color in vivid detail, and you can add a museum-quality frame to complete the look. Our oil painting reproductions by famous artists allow you to make your own home look like a museum filled with gorgeous works of art.
Find Your Favorite Artists
Whether you love the dreamy Impressionist style of Claude Monet or the colorful Abstract artwork of Modigliani, it's easy to discover beautiful artwork for your home or office when you shop by artist at overstockArt. Our collection includes famous artists from just about every period in modern history and a wide range of styles from which to choose. Browse through these artist galleries to find inspiration for styling your space with beautiful artwork and discover new paintings from your favorite artists.
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