Art History

Art in Movies

A Splash of Art and Drama in Monet’s Garden As Emily in Paris Visits Giverny

In season four of Emily in Paris, our favorite fashion-forward marketing executive, Emily Cooper, finds herself in an unexpected situation – falling into Claude Monet’s famed lily pond at Giverny.

Emily in Paris goes on a tour of Monet's House

Lily Collins as Emily Cooper visiting Claude Monet’s garden at Giverny in Emily in Paris. Photo by Stephanie Branchu, courtesy of Netflix ©2024.

What starts as a simple trip to visit the legendary artist’s garden takes a dramatic twist when Emily tracks down Camille, who’s been hiding out after a broken engagement. With a mix of charm and determination, Emily convinces a guide to help her track Camille down, who’s been volunteering at Monet’s House cleaning the famous Water Lillie Pond. A tradition Monet himself started.

The tour guide tells Emily that “Monet purchased all his water plants from Latour-Marliac plant nursery, were they created a new variety of colorful waterlilies that were introduced at the 1889 Paris World Fair. Before that Europeans only had white waterlilies.”

Emily in Paris Monet Waterlilies

Camille Razat as Camille visiting Claude Monet’s gardens at Giverny in “Love Is on the Run,” season four episode two of Emily in Paris. Cr. Photo courtesy of Netflix ©2024

In a moment of desperation, Emily attempts to reach Camille by commandeering a rowboat, which results in both of them taking an unintended plunge into the pond. After a brief confrontation, the two friends reconcile and agree to head back to Paris, but not before drying off and grabbing some new clothes.

Claude Monet’s water lilies series is one of the most celebrated achievements in art history. These paintings capture the serene beauty of his garden in Giverny, where the artist spent the last decades of his life. Monet’s fascination with the water lilies and their reflective surfaces led him to create over 250 works depicting the pond, each one a study of light, color, and atmosphere. His brushstrokes blend the lilies with their surroundings, creating a harmonious scene that invites viewers into a tranquil, almost meditative space. The interplay of natural light on the water’s surface, the soft ripples, and the delicate flowers are rendered with a mastery that makes these works timeless.

This Emily in Paris episode highlights not just the beautiful setting of Monet’s garden but also the emotional depth of the characters, blending art with personal drama in a true Emily in Paris style.

Lily Collins the Actress Playing Emily Cooper commented afterwards:
“Going to Claude Monet’s House and Actually rowing in the water pond of Monet was shocking to me…”

Bring the Serenity of Giverny Home
For those inspired by Monet’s breathtaking depictions of his water lilies pond, offers exquisite reproductions of these masterpieces. Our collection includes a stunning array of hand-painted oil paintings that capture the essence of Monet’s vision. Each piece is meticulously crafted by skilled artists, ensuring that the vibrant colors and delicate details of the original works are faithfully recreated.

Whether you’re looking to add a touch of tranquility to your living space or to bring the elegance of French Impressionism into your home, our water lilies pond paintings offer the perfect blend of beauty and art history. Explore the collection today and transform your space with the serene charm of Monet’s Giverny.

About the Author

Amitai Sasson of is an art world traveler on a mission to seek out the beauty and passion of the art world. As an avid enthusiast of art and oil paintings, he contributes to as Chief editor and writer.