Jeffrey Pierson Named Artist Become’s November Artist of the Month
Artist Become named Jeffrey F. Pierson November Artist of the Month. Pierson, a Wichita, Kansas-based artist, is one of the founding members of the online art community.
Pierson, who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Wichita State University and the University of South Dakota, obtaining his BFA and MFA in printmaking, emerged as an artist at a young age. He began creating his art when he felt compelled to record the things he was observing and feeling and to try to make his thoughts more concrete. In his youth Pierson was inspired by primitive art, Aboriginal art, early Christian and Byzantine art, and comic books.
In recent years Pierson’s art studies have focused on the idea of the corrosive effect of time on memory. “My work reflects my dreams, memories, and the world as I perceive it,” explained Pierson. “It is my great hope and intention that my imagery be a catalyst, sparking the synapses in an unlit mind. Breaking the bonds of mental lethargy and inspiring the viewer to see, think and feel.”
The concept of impermanence has long been a part of Pierson’s imagery and the erosion of memory has long infected his verse. His ongoing studies and explorations have continuously led him back – first to depictions of family and reminders of the past and then to the juxtaposition of the figure with more nonobjective elements.
“I attempt to depict fractured moments that relate to how I saw and how I know see society, family, and self,” said Pierson. “These images are about finding a balance between innocence and knowledge, they are observations made by eyes intent on seeing the true nature of things, and they are as well documents of a journey through memory and impermanence.”
Pierson exhibits more than 50 works of art in his personal gallery on Artist Become. Those works of art include:
“At Capacity” – This painting is part of the Random is King series, a newer series of paintings which uses collage elements paired with realistically painted objects such as the yellow balloon and the other images to provide a spring board for the viewer’s imagination while allowing the artist to experiment and daydream.
- “Monster of a Day Dream” –This colorful image supplies the viewer the means to make their own narratives and find enjoyment in the artful description of form and playful nature of the artist. Part of a larger series, “Digi Nudes,” that explores the beauty of the female form, in this case the artists’ pregnant wife.
- “Number 33 VR4” – The Number 33 combines traditional and digital media while exploring the randomness that at times overwhelms the artist’s brain.
Pierson has had many solo and group exhibitions showing locally, regionally and nationally. He stated that while brick and mortar galleries are wonderful to experience, the internet opens doors to a global community, which is one of his reasons for joining Artist Become.
“Artist Become serves as the vehicle by which my artwork along with my fellow artists work can reach a wider audience,” said Pierson. “My desire is that my imagery can be a catalyst for thought within the viewer inspiring thought and conversation.”
Since its official launch in March 2011, Artist Become has been opening doors for emerging and established artists around the world. There is no cost to join and members can sell their art without commission fees. Artists receive royalties for every canvas reproduction sold. The online community focuses solely on original art and its growing amount of artist members. Artist Become is the latest venture by the popular online art gallery, the go-to source on the web for purchasing art reproduction oil paintings. For more information, visit