Up Close and Personal: The Artistry of Self Portraits
A self-portrait oil painting is a mirror into an artist’s world,...
Family Affair: 5 Relatives of Famous Artists
Many people believe that creative talent can run in the family....
Renoir’s Inner Circle: Luncheon of the Boating Party
In today’s social media driven world we’ve all become accustomed to...
Roman Fedosenko Named’s April Artist of the Month
Hailing from Minsk, Belarus, Roman Fedosenko is an international artist who...
Elwira Pioro Named’s March Artist of the Month
Elwira Pioro was born and raised in Poland. She was creative...
Kris Haas Named January’s Artist of the Month
A Portland, Oregon native, Kris Haas has been creating art for more than two decades. After signing up for a life drawing class, Haas began making art during her time off from work. The intrigue of the artistic process snagged her curiosity, igniting the inspiration to create full-time. After...
Lisa Carney Named December’s Artist of the Month
Born to a family of artists and raised on the Gaspe...
The Legacy of Norman Rockwell
Many artists, particularly painters, have made a name for themselves for...
All Children Are Born Artists
The month of March is Youth Art Month – an annual observance to emphasize the value of art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school art programs. one might ask, what is so important about art that we need an annual event to observe it?...
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