New York’s First Immersive Exhibit Hall Takes a Break from Art
Hall des Lumières was the first fully immersive art hall to...
Fashion and Art Collide at the John Singer Sargent Exhibit at the Tate Museum
John Singer Sargent was an American artist who became well-known for...
Immersive Van Gogh Experience Files for Bankruptcy
At the tail end of the Pandemic, in 2021, a new...
Renoire’s Works Come Back to Guernsey
Pierre-Auguste Renoir found inspiration while visiting the British island of Guernsey....
Celebrating Johannes Vermeer in Amsterdam
Often an artist’s worth is not valued during their career, but...
Rare Monet Painting Gets One Day Viewing
The painting Le Grand Canal et Santa Maria della Salute, is...
Vincent van Gogh’s Olive Trees exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art
A new exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art, called Van...
National Gallery of Canada’s Rembrandt Exhibit is a Success
The new art exhibit, Rembrandt in Amsterdam: Creativity and Competition, brings...
Edgar Degas and the Opera Exhibit
A new exhibit is opening this week that highlights the obsession...
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