oil painting
Edmund Leighton: Pre-Raphaelite Romanticism and Popularity
Edmund Leighton was a London based painter during the late 1800s....
Marnie Bourque: Finding Joy in the Little Things
Marnie Bourque is a modern artist who lives and working in...
Da Vinci painting Salvator Mundi Goes Missing
Leonardo da Vinci is still impacting the art world even after...
When Art Takes Your Breath Away, Literally
Stendhal syndrome or Florence Syndrome, is a condition that causes rapid...
Edward Hopper is highlight of Ebsworth Collection sold at Christies.
Christie’s Auction House is renowned for its ability to bring in...
I, Claude Monet : Movie about the Master
This week we celebrate the birthday of one of the world’s...
Museum of Modern Art Celebrates a Birthday
The Museum of Modern Art was originally the idea of John...
Vincent Van Gogh and the Darker Side of Art
Vincent Van Gogh was one of the most prolific painters in...
Renoir’s Inner Circle: Luncheon of the Boating Party
In today’s social media driven world we’ve all become accustomed to...
Art to Adore: Your Top Ten Romantic Paintings for Valentine’s Day
Love it or hate it, Valentine's Day is here again. Lovers...
Van Gogh Defeated? Check Out This Surprising “Top 10 Art for 2016” Infographic
The results of overstockArt.com’s annual top 10 list are in; a...
Check Out September Artist of the Month Svetlana Tikhonova’s Expressive Artwork
Blending a variety of different styles, Svetlana Tikhonova uses oil paints...
ArtistBe.com’s June Artist of the Month is Painter Maria Karalyos
This month the online artist marketplace and community at ArtistBe.com has...
Is This Lucky Discovery Actually a Valuable Lost Caravaggio?
Found stashed away in an attic, a painting depicting a biblical...
Picasso Breaks the Auction House Record
On Tuesday night, Pablo Picasso was restored to what many consider...
All Children Are Born Artists
The month of March is Youth Art Month – an annual observance to emphasize the value of art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school art programs. one might ask, what is so important about art that we need an annual event to observe it?...
Five Revitalizing Decorating Tips for Spring
Spring Decorating Trends Abloom with Floral Prints and Vivid Hues To...
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