oil paintings
Employee Picks: Amanda Hadley, Customer Service
Amanda is one of the company’s customer service representatives. She handles...
Helena Wierzbicki and Fearless Color
Helena Wierzbicki is a contemporary artist who uses bold colors and...
Van Gogh Defeated? Check Out This Surprising “Top 10 Art for 2016” Infographic
The results of overstockArt.com’s annual top 10 list are in; a...
Happy Birthday, Gustav Klimt!
Even 154 years after his birth, Klimt's uniquely decadent artwork remains...
Wall Art Décor on a Budget
If you’ve ever wished you could afford impressively beautiful décor for...
Happy Birthday Vincent: Upcoming Biopic is Entirely Hand-Painted
Today marks 163 years from the birth of one of the...
Top 10 Oil Paintings of Motherhood
overstockArt.com, the leader in handmade oil painting art reproductions, released today...
Mark Rothko and his Mean Reds on Broadway
A new production called Red is set to debut on Broadway...
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