Artist Spotlight: Lana Frey – Life is Like a Dream in the Heart of Prague
Lana Frey is a modern artist who is originally from Belarus...
View the World Through a Different Lens With Hua Haung
Hua Haung is a Chinese artist who lives and works in...
Olga Matyunina: Art More Beautiful Than Nature
Olga Matyunina is a Russian artist who lives and works in...
Pablo Picasso: Art Genius Becomes More Widely Available
Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish Painter who was born in...
Heloisa Castro: New Expression in Digital Art
Heloisa Castro is a Brazilian artist from Rio de Janeiro. She...
Franz Marc – The Golden Boy of German Expressionism
The beginning of October is usually when we celebrate Ocktoberfest, but...
Odilon Redon: Sharing Dreams with the World
April 22nd is the birthday of French painter Bertrand Jean Redon,...
Bita Mohabbati: Capturing Romantic Memories
Bita Mohabbati is an artist capturing romantic memories. Mohabbati was born...
Corne Akkers: Creating “Roundism”
Corne Akkers is an artist that currently resides in the Netherlands...
Frida Kahlo Art Journal Details Insights Into Artist
Frida Kahlo art journals reveal handwritten entries, letters, and colored-ink entries...
Feel Like You’re in a Dream? What Would Dali Do?
The world around us is constructed in math, but have you...
The Dream Paintings of Salvador Dali
Artistic inspiration comes from a variety of sources: nature, people, other...
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