Artist Bio
Mark Pol – An Abstract Adventurer
Mark Pol is an abstract artist from Amsterdam who enjoys exploring...
Dorina Pantea – Diversity and Originality in Every Face
Dorina Pantea is an artist who works and lives in Romania....
Larisa Lavrova: A Heartbeat in Time
Russian born artist Larisa Lavrova found her journey to becoming an...
Clive Watts: The Abstract Beauty in Composition
Clive Watts is an engineer, painter, and photographer living in Scotland....
Artists New to overstockArt in 2020
At, we strive to keep our art selection fresh and...
Sergey Osipov: Capturing Emotion with Color
This month’s featured artist has a talent for capturing emotion with...
Hilma af Klint: A True Abstract Pioneer
Art history is thought to be completely written, with the canon...
Yuri Tayshete-Fresh New Taste for Summer
Our ArtistBe artist this month offers a fresh taste just in...
Mairim Perez Roca: Living in a World of Joy and Color
Mairim Perez Roca is an artist who lives and works in...
Shant Beudjekian: A Deconstructed View of the World
A Lebanese born artist who now lives and works in Southern...
Svetlana Tikhonova: Modern Myths and Legends
Svetlana Tikhonova is a contemporary artist from Belarus – the homeland...
John Singer Sargent: The Charming Portrait Master
January 12th will mark the birthday of renowned painter John Singer...
Rubin Cukier: Modern Surrealism in a Modern World
Rubin Cukier was born and grew up in Buenos Aires. His...
Frederic Kohli- Beauty in Structure
Frederic Kohli is a retired engineer and businessman. He has produced...
Allyson Block: Discover the World in the Abstract
Allyson Block is a contemporary American Artist who lives and works...
Marnie Bourque: Finding Joy in the Little Things
Marnie Bourque is a modern artist who lives and working in...
Edward Potthast Brings Summer to your Walls
Edward Henry Potthast was born in Cincinnati to a family of...
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